Friday, August 30, 2013

The Light Pole

*sigh* "How many pages of reading do I have to read tonight? 115 pages. How many did I read so far? Oh, none?"  *sigh* "Looks like a long night at the library." I drive to the campus center in search of late night study snacks. I proceed to Down the Road Cafe (DTR). I get my coffee, my water and snacks to keep me up. I chat with some of my DTR friends, classmates and other friends who I see strolling around the campus center. I leave the campus center to get into Honda Babi. I leave the Campus Center to drive to the library, which by the way, is like a 5-7 minute walk from the campus center. But why walk when you have a car, right? I enter the library and get on the elevator to arrive at the fourth floor. I like the fourth floor because it has a small space where few people go to study. It is sometimes referred to as the chamber of secrets (so shhh, don't tell anybody). I find a desk that isn't being used and put my books on the table to start work. I am in a comfortable, air conditioned/heated space...

In Binaba, Ghana, a student leaves home at night, in hopes of getting some work done. The student is in route to the study space with books and paper in tow. It may be a 5 minute walk or 20 minute walk, but the student has to get there, because the student has to finish their work. Finally...the student arrives. 

Located outside, the student finds a spot on the bench. Three benches, along with a space left for entering and exiting form a square around a light pole.
The light pole provides the only light for the studying student. It stands about 20-30 feet high. While enduring the outside weather and swatting away flies and mosquitos and listening to the rhythm of the night air and tune of the night chirpers, the student opens their book to begin studying... 

Written on July 23, 2013

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